Tri-County Massage & Wellness

Before You Book a Massage

Before you book, please read over these frequently asked questions, rules, policies and procedures as booking an appointment with Tri-County Massage assumes your understanding & compliance to all terms listed here.


What is your Zero Tolerance Policy?

The zero tolerance policy is related to misconduct of any kind- sexual, behavioral, etc. I take an aggressive approach to handling misconduct by not only terminating the session with full charge and blacklisting people from Tri-County Massage, but also in instances of sexual misconduct, I turn those individuals over to law enforcement as soliciting a massage therapist is in fact, a felony. 


What is the cancelation and no-show policy?

I ask that any cancelations and reschedules take place anytime up to 2 hours before your appointment. Failure to give notice will result in a $35 cancelation fee. No-shows will result in a $35 no-show fee

If no fee can be collected, there will be an overdue balance of $35 added to your account and you will NOT be able to receive any services until the balance is paid. Habitual no-shows will result in being blacklisted from Tri-County Massage's services indefinitely.


Groupon & other Vouchers

Gift cards can be purchased online through my site and redeemed, but Tri-County Massage does NOT offer groupons.